Marylin Monroe. Via Pinterest.
Perfume is a dream in a bottle. But to prevent it from turning into a nightmare and its smell turning sour, there are a few rules to follow to keep it from spoiling. So, how do you correctly preserve your perfume?
Perfume’s worst enemy is the oxygen in the air. With this in mind, here are 3 simple tips to avoid prematurely aging your perfume:
How to preserve your perfume? Tip N°1
Keep it out of the light
Light and UV rays are very harmful to your precious fragrance. They accelerate oxidation—a reaction that will change the smell of your beloved perfume! This is especially true since most perfume bottles are made of glass and let the light pass through easily. So, avoid exposing your bottles to direct sunlight and store them in a toiletry kit, in a cupboard, or a sheltered place!
How to preserve your perfume? Tip N°2

Keep your bottles in your fridge. Image via Pinterest
Keep it away from heat
The higher the temperature, the faster the oxidation reaction! So the best thing to do is not to leave your perfumes in your bathroom (because in addition to being sensitive to heat, perfumes do not tolerate humidity well), nor near a radiator 😉. In fact, the best place to store your bottles is in your fridge!
How to preserve your perfume? Tip N°3
Re-cap the bottle after each use
Since oxygen in the air is the primary cause of ageing, the bottle should be re-capped immediately after each use. If possible, you should also avoid lying the bottle on its side since this increases the contact surface between the liquid and the air, which will accelerate oxidation.
And finally, how long does a perfume last?
If you follow all these tips to the letter (we’re counting on you 😉) and depending on the proportion of natural ingredients and preservatives present in the perfume, it can last for decades! So, are you ready to create your own personalized perfume?
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