Hello gang! How should you choose your perfume? What a puzzle! Perfume is such a poorly understood art that it’s often hard to know what you like and dislike. So we often rely on the images that perfumes (and especially their ads) project. We are touched and seduced not by a real scent, but often by the fake imagery of marketing campaigns. And that’s a shame!
The power of smells:
Smells have enormous power and they shouldn’t need visual and auditory artifices to touch us. Fragrances have the power to truly seduce and touch us personally because smell is the sense that is connected to our emotions in the most direct way possible. Therefore, we have no control over the emotions that a scent evokes in us, and it can, in a flash, transport us back into our memories without us realising it.
This truth was popularized by the famous episode of Proust’s Madeleine. In it, Proust describes how a simple scent brought him back to a sweet childhood memory that he no longer remembered, and suddenly took him away in a bubble of happiness. At Sillages Paris, we believe this is what you should discover in the perfume you choose for yourself.
Priorities for choosing your perfume:
Smell above all
First of all, let your sense of smell guide you and ignore (or at least try) the rest. What’s the rest? Everything a perfume has projected on you before you smell it. Whether it’s the ad you saw on TV, the brand whose creations you’ve already loved, the bottle you like… It’s all just incidental to the smell that will potentially be yours if you choose that perfume.
A perfume to please ME
It’s self-care time. You may have heard that perfume is very closely linked to seduction, but it’s important not to forget yourself when choosing your new perfume. Even if you’re not the only one who smells your perfume, you still smell it the most. Whether it pleases your entourage (more or less intimate) is one thing, but most important is that it pleases you! That it makes you feel good, that you can’t wait to spritz it in the morning (or in the evening!), and that you feel it with you everywhere like an invisible blanket.
How to choose your perfume?
Don’t fall prey to marketing
Is your perfume bottle almost empty, or do you want a new smell for a new life? Then avoid polluting your tastes and preferences with artificial imagery before you even enter a perfume store. Don’t pay close attention to ads, new launches, and gorgeous perfume models before taking the plunge and choosing your new perfume. That’s how you avoid smelling like millions of other people!
Put your nose in the best conditions
First, if you’re looking for a new perfume, don’t begin your search if you have a blocked nose; it’s more practical! Next, avoid perfumeries that are saturated with a billion different smells that could prevent you from capturing the essence of the perfumes on offer. If your sense of smell isn’t at its best, you’ll more likely be influenced by the images projected around you.
Don’t let anyone tell you what you like!
If you search on Google how to choose your perfume, you are likely to come across recommendations based on your age, or even worse, according to your partner’s personality (really guys, still in 2020?). So our numero uno advice is to listen to YOU. If you really have no idea what you like, you can start by smelling pure ingredients and very distinct fragrances to orient yourself more precisely towards an olfactory family. Then, trust yourself (and especially your senses) because who better than you to know what you like?
This is made possible in our workshops, where you are welcomed by an expert whose sole mission is to create your perfect perfume. You can smell as many ingredients as you want and then create your Sillages according to your taste.
Why is it important to choose the right perfume?
Because you’re potentially going to wear it all the time. Well, that’s what you’ll be hoping for since it would be a real shame if you left it on the shelf to gather dust.
In addition, the perfume you’re wearing on your body is both a comforting shawl and a jewel that magnifies you. It can help you cope with the little annoyances of everyday life. Not only the unpleasant smells of the subway but also those little blue moments when a light whiff of your favourite scent brings you comfort and boosts your self-confidence by reminding you who you are.
If you wear it often, your perfume can also anchor you in the memory of those around you and become a means of recognizing yourself. So it is important that you feel in tune with this “olfactory image” that you are projecting.
Okay, are you ready to take the plunge?
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