Imbued with an aura of mystery since antiquity, perfume continues to mesmerize the senses. This is why, over the centuries, it has often been associated in one way or another with some form of sorcery. Perfume and witchcraft are both invisible, yet their effect on our emotions is powerful. We cannot escape a smell, just as we cannot escape a spell.
Perfume: witchcraft that repels evil

Fragrances to fight evil
With witchcraft, a bad spell can be undone by a counter-spell. In the same way, for centuries, it was believed that a scented breastplate could protect against certain spells. You can still find anti-spell scents on the Internet today! Whether you believe it or not, the idea is interesting 😉. And it says a lot about the power of perfume on humans.
In fact, wearing perfume can be like putting on armour that protects us from the outside world. Many customers have shared this vision of perfume with us! Their perfume is their armour, without which they feel naked. And wearing perfume also means protecting yourself from external aggressions. So our perfume creates a halo or a kind of bubble around us, in which we feel comfortable. When the surrounding odours are unpleasant, smelling our perfume soothes us.
It’s therefore not surprising that the idea of perfume as a bulwark against evil spells has developed! Or the belief that certain smells can ward off evil. The Devil, who lives in a putrid and stinking place (according to these famous sources), would be disturbed by scents that smell good.
Perfumes to invoke good

One of the very first uses of perfume in history was as a messenger of the divine. In fact, the first perfumers were none other than priests. And the “perfumes” they prepared were intended to create channels of communication with the Beyond. For the Egyptians, these were ointments and the embalming process. By embalming the bodies (making them into mummies), they were allowed to become Gods. They thus became “Perfumed”.
In the Greco-Roman civilization, perfumes were truly the privileged means of communication with the Gods. The smoke of the incense rose towards them and transmitted the prayers and requests of humans to them. Burning incense or other preparations was, therefore, a way of paying homage to and invoking them. Food was an offering to satisfy their hunger, wine quenched their thirst, and perfumes spoke to their spirits.
Perfumes to cure disease, witchcraft that protects
Throughout history, perfume has been used to heal and protect from disease. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the pores of the skin made it permeable to bacteria and diseases of all kinds, which allowed them to enter the body directly. Perfume was, therefore, able to act on both these levels. On the other hand, it was believed that bad smells carried diseases, and that by wearing perfume, you could protect yourself from evil.

For example, to protect oneself against the dangers of the plague, it was necessary to spend a little time in the toilet in the morning. First, you had to rub vinegars and ointments on your body. Then you had to ingest, drink and chew various fragrant flowers and herbs (Angelica was a great champion in the fight against evil). And you ended by stuffing your nose with scented substances to be smelled as soon as the surrounding air became too foul.
This explains why rosemary was widely used, especially during the Renaissance. Known for its therapeutic properties, it was used for both drinkable and fragrant solutions (the very famous Water of the Queen of Hungary, for example!).
Perfume and witchcraft : a dangerous association

Perfume is, therefore, believed to have magical properties that protect against disease and spells. Conversely, there is also the idea in the collective imagination, especially since the Middle Ages, that perfumes can be used to cast evil spells.
Incidentally, perfumes are preparations that are a bit like magic potions. They are made by mixing different ingredients together according to an elaborate and precise formula. A real witch’s work!
Women’s perfumes: witches’ perfumes
A bit like love potions, perfumes are dangerous weapons that bewitch and make you lose your mind. For centuries, it was thought that women who used to wear perfume were some kind of witches. They were considered to be evil temptresses who sought to pervert men and lead them astray.
Moreover, during the Middle Ages and even the Renaissance, there was a strong scientific opinion that women were diabolical beings. (well, of course!). And older women! in particular! Their smell was reputed to be nauseating, and a woman who wore perfume was therefore very suspicious. She was probably trying to hide her body odor!
The perfume that bewitches
Smell: that very special sense

The sense of smell is our most emotional and primitive sense. That is to say, when we smell, the information arrives directly in a region of the brain dedicated to emotions, without passing through the area. where we analyze it. All the other senses perceive stimuli that are first analyzed by the brain, and then directed to the emotional region. But not the sense of smell…
This also explains the strength of olfactory memories. The smell of our grandmother’s kitchen, our mother’s perfume, freshly cut grass in springtime, all evoke happy memories. Smelling these scents is therefore comforting and very pleasurable, like Proust’s famous madeleine.
This is why perfumes are powerful weapons because they allow us to interact with this very special sense. They can reach directly into the emotional sphere, and have an effect on our sensibilities and behaviors!
Perfume as a weapon of seduction and witchcraft
This also explains why, even today, perfume is still shrouded in mystery. And why it is believed to have powers of seduction! There is the idea that certain perfumes make itseduction easier. A bit like a spell that is impossible to resist.

Perfume can indeed help to awaken desire, and then to nourish that feeling. We remember the smell of the other person after they leave, and we think of them when we smell certain scents that remind us of theirs.
In fact, many perfumes have names related to the vocabulary of love, witchcraft, and seduction. All these perfumes are supposed to make anyone fall under your spell.
The ingredients of enchantment
The most “seductive” olfactory family is the Orientals. Its very name evokes the mystery of the Orient, with all its clichés. Frankincense, myrrh, amber, vanilla … these warm and sensual notes combine with white animal flowers or leathery roses to produce scandalous elixirs.
But being a fan of floral or woody scents won’t stop you from being a witch, or a sorcerer! So have fun with our 64 ingredients to find your own magic formula.
But most importantly, to cast a spell, you need to be a powerful witch,. And that starts with feeling good in your own skin. So the first thing to look for with your perfume is the chemistry you create by perfuming your skin. And what happens next is that it has to bewitch you!
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